FBAM13 How to sell or buy Amazon businesses with Justin Cooke – FBAmillionaires

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FBAM13 How to sell or buy Amazon businesses with Justin Cooke

Justin Cooke - Empire Flippers Interview

(Founder/CMO) at Empire Flippers and host of Empire Flippers podcast, Justin is the brand ambassador of the company. From content to paid traffic, he keeps the sales staff busy and the lead funnels full. He’s also a digital nomad (i.e. homeless), but spends most of his time in Manila, Bangkok, and Saigon. When not geeking out on sales funnels and marketing automation, he loves fruity drinks by the beach and watches Game of Thrones as a guilty pleasure.

Time-Stamped Show Notes:

5:34 Introduction of Justin Cook of Empire Flippers.
5:44 What do Empire Flippers do?
9:42 How long does it take to sell someone’s Amazon business?
13:49 “More than 80% of the businesses we sell, sell in less than two months” – Justin
14:27 What type of mistakes do sellers make?
15:38 Justin discuss about some of the reasons why people sell their business.
19:36 How much can people make selling their Amazon business?
22:45 Justin talks about what’s the best thing to do when starting a business to sell.
26:13 Justin gives advice on hiring, training or building a remote team.
30:51 Justin also talks about a type of flippers that buys business, add value to it and then sell it.
33:11 For those people who are interested in buying an Amazon business, what do they need to know about financing?

Notable Quote:

When starting a business:
“The first priority is to make money. Everything else is unimportant.” – Justin Cook


– Buy, Sell & Invest In Online Businesses
– @EmpireFlippers
Podcast – Empire Flippers Podcast
Amzcontrol – Profitability Analytics Software for Amazon Sellers


SkuTask – Amazon Marketplace Ecosystem
Upfund.io – Smart inventory funding designed to keep you out of debt


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