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Will Moffett

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Jeff Allen

FREE TRAINING: Learn the (Step by Step) system I used to generate myself $350k in 6 months.

FBAM1 We’ll Make A Billion Somehow

– Introduction to FBA Millionaires: Jeff Allen & Will Moffett
– Will’s Success Story
– FBA Millionaires Vision
– Amazon Stats

If you knew there was a new show hosted by a, you know, a couple of nice family guys. It was all about helping you reach that six to seven figure income level with your Amazon Business, would you listen? From the West Coast to the world, this is FBA Millionaires.

Welcome to the inaugural edition of FBA Millionaires. The program with conversations that we hope will take your Amazon Business to the highest levels, where we want you to earn a seven figure income as a professional seller on Amazon.

Hi, my name is Jeff Allen and I’m thrilled to team up with my side-kick, our own resident expert Amazon Sales machine, Mr Will Moffett. Will, hello.

Hello Jeff. How’s it going?


Well, it’s going well for me. Uh, Will’s in NorCal, I’m in SoCal. And Will, uh, I am really excited about what we have going on here and, uh, this is really kind of, as the inaugural show, I was kind of hoping … I know along with you, kind of setting folks up for what it is that we hope to, to do and hope to accomplish on the show and I know that you have some thoughts really about how you’d like to kind of present, uh, the program and, uh, present this idea that we have for helping people … Helping all of us earn more money on Amazon, uh, as professional sellers on Amazon and, and earning potentially six and seven figure incomes. Uh, hopefully in the near future.


Definitely Jeff. Um, there’s a lota opportunity on Amazon and Amazon changed my life and I know it’s changed so many other lives around me. Um, so that … I’m so happy we’re able to connect and, uh, share the great news with, with lots of people and, and share content and information with one anther. Uh, so we can [Tennix 00:01:58] these businesses and take it to the next level. We want everybody to kill it in this Amazon business and I think we’re gonna do it Jeff.


Well I think so too, uh, Will. And you know we come from different perspectives Will, and I do when I say we, you know, I’m just kind of a rookie. I’m just starting out. So it was kind of fortuitous right (laughs) that, Will that you and I connected. It was, it was kind of just happenstance and it was neat, the way that it all came together that way, but I’m just getting started in my Amazon walk and it was really, I credit my, my wife with, uh, having this idea of, um, you know, striving for greater financial Independence.

Now, I’m talking from the perspective of a newbie, right? Because, uh, we’ve got, uh, people listening hopefully on this program today. The first, uh, edition of our show who’ve been at it for a while. And so I’m hoping to learn from them as well. People who, uh, write in and connect with us and offer their comments and suggestions, but, uh, you know Will, you come from a different aspect of all of this as part of the conversation. You are someone who has some experience selling on Amazon for quite some time now. Tell me, uh, a little bit. Fill everybody in really, if you would on kind of where you’re at in your journey.

Yes. Well, Jeff, uh, it’s been a interesting journey for me, uh, I actually started, uh, selling on Amazon in 2015. My actual first sale in Amazon, was the day my daughter was born.

Is that right?

My first born daughter. Yes.




I made my first sale on Amazon. It was very special because, um, at that time, um, you know, I was working a job, working many, many hours and I was trying to figure out how can I stay home or, you know, how can my wife stay home and how can we live a, a more comfortable life without us being out in the workforce. So, I actually had a friend, his brother was making 50,000 dollars per month on Amazon and, um, what my … When my friend told me about that, you know, the light bulb hit and I said, “You know what? Surely I can do that.” Because his bother didn’t have any experience, um, with selling online.

So, um, with my background, I did a little, um, ah, reselling of SEO services, um, marketing services online, you know, the, the affiliate things. Um, I, I said, “I can do Amazon.” So, uh, it took about two weeks, um, uh, to, to, uh, collect all of the products that I wanted to, uh, sell. Um, and I forced myself, I pushed myself through to pull the trigger on a product and when I did, um, I, uh, doubled my money in the first week. Um, it’s interesting ’cause I called my friend and, uh … My friend and, uh, business partner and I told him, “Hey, you know, I got some money. How do I double this money?” And he was like, “That’s something we’re all trying to figure out, right?”


(laughs) So, so he was like, “Let me know when you find it.” (laughs)



And, uh, that’s when … That’s when, uh, Amazon kicked in and I doubled my money the first week. And from there was history, within a month and a half, I was generating 40,000 dollars per month and it scaled and grew, and, um, that partner that I talked to, he jumped in and, and we started building that, uh, business together and we sold millions in products. Um, so, so here we are today and I’m so interested and passionate about Amazon, because Amazon changed my life.

It actually, uh, got my wife out of her job and it got me out of my job and we were able to, to, to live a very good life doing Amazon and, and doing what we loved. I loved it every day was a rush. Counting the money, seeing the money coming in, um, you know, 20, 30, 40,000 dollars, uh, just hitting your bank account. It, it’s a rush. It’s an addiction, um, hitting that button and refreshing those sales is, is something we all live for.



So, uh, we all love to talk about it. Bring experienced people on the show, uh, see what they’re doing, how they’re killing it and we want Jeff to kill it, and we want the audience to kill it and, and we’re just gonna have some fun with this thing.


Now see I know that there are a lot of people, a lot of heads nodding up and down saying, “Yeah, yeah. Been there, done that.” Because there are people, there are a lot of people, will, with, uh, your kind of story. It may not have been quite as interesting and exciting as having that first sale hit on your daughter’s … The day of your daughters birth, but, a, at the same time we, we know … I’ve had a chance to meet and talk with a lot of people and learn about many people who have found the kind of success, the level of success that you did so early in there, uh, the evolution of their own Amazon business.

This is something that has been duplicated over and over and over again in terms of the stories that I’ve heard, and so I know that it’s real because I’ve met some of these people. And these are folks who obviously, they had, you know, regular nine to five jobs, or six to three jobs or whatever shift it was that they worked for, uh, worked on before they decided to go ahead and do something new and change their lives. And so, the idea of selling on Amazon isn’t new for people listening in right now, who’ve had that kind of experience, but there are others like me who are just, you know, starting to get involved and want to learn from the best.

And I think the thing is that makes me, uh, so excited to be involved in this, is that I know Will, that you are an avid podcast listener. Ah, one could call you probably a podcast junkie. You’re an information junkie.



You read everything that you can get your hands on, you listen to all the shows. And you’ve heard most of the Amazon dedicated podcasts, there’s so many others, this is not the only one as most people know. But I think the thing that I’d like to let listeners know, is that, you know, we know that there are a lot of experts out there and, and very good, uh, people to listen to. This is not the only show that you should be listening to, you probably listen to others right now, but we are aware of the fact that there are so many great minds out there and we would like to have some of these people actually join us on our program, because we know that there’s a wealth of information out there. You can’t learn possibly everything from every buddy, but there is so much great content and so much great advice to be had.


And, what I am kind of hoping Will, is that as we move forward with this program, FBA Millionaires, we’re going to be able to introduce listeners to brand new folks they’ve never heard on any podcast before. But also bring those folks on that maybe they have heard, or maybe they’ve even, uh, seen on TV, or listened to on Talk Radio. Uh, provide their expertise and their valuable input to help us take our businesses, like I said to that highest level. To help us get into the proper mindset for running our own business in the most efficient, productive way possible, because Amazon at the heart of it is a business. It really is.



A, and for entrepreneurs, and you’ve put this very, very well, if you want to make a six or seven figure, uh, income, selling on Amazon, a, as a professional seller, this is not the kind of business th- where you can get rich quick. There’s hard work involved, there’s learning to be had that you need to do, there’s an education that you need to take the time to give yourself and seek out the information to make you better.


That’s right Jeff. And, and I’ll add to that. Um, you know, before I started Amazon, uh, I was telling Jeff I actually, um … It took me about six to seven months to figure out what type of business I wanted to, uh, get involved with. And, and it … That’s when I found Amazon. Uh, but before that, that six to seven months, uh, I would have to say I read about 100 books and, and what I did there in, you know, if you could take the knowledge of 100 men and stuff it in your brain, well you are now wise as 100 men. That means whatever situation or business deal you enter in, in life, you can pull from that resour- that knowledge, uh, resource. And, and execute with confidence and actually win.

So, when I learned about the business, I listened to every podcast, every episode. I went to every blog, I read every piece of content I could put my hands on and, and it wa- it was all of the information that, that allowed me to make good business decisions. To put myself in position-

Mm-hmm (affirmative).


… to actually be a success with, with actually my first product and then continue on. Because usually sometimes it, you know, we fail the first couple of times and, and the key is to never quit, because if we quit, you know, uh, you know, it might not work the first time, the second time, maybe the third time, but maybe the fourth time. You know, that fourth time can change your whole life Jeff.

So, uh, you know, ah, I, ah, I’m, I’m very excited on, on what’s to come and we have some great guests coming on guys. Uh, we, we have some guests that’s gonna teach you how to rank on the first page. Uh, uh for your product and those keywords. Um, we’re gonna have some folks come on and, and talk to you about growing globally, uh, what’s out there? We have some great inside, um, sources and, and information that could help you there. Uh, we have, we, ah, um, folks that’s gonna come on and that’s just really killing it. Um, advanced tactics that’s used out there and we wanna work together and all be in the millionaire club. And, and that’s what we’re here for. We want you to be in the millionaire club and we all rise together.


You’re listening to FBA Millionaires. My name is Jeff Allen. That gentleman right there, Will Moffett, he is going to be the guy who is going to be sharing, uh, with you the most, uh, how to really get the most mileage out of your fulfilled by Amazon business. And really, this is geared mainly to those folks who selling on Amazon right now, are fulfilling all of their orders by Amazon, um, uh. The advantages to doing that, we don’t have to go into this, this isn’t necessarily a, a time and a place for a basic conversation about the benefits of, uh, using Amazon FBA. But we can have another conversation on another program all about that for those people who may be using the, the merchant fulfilled process of, you know, sending out those orders on your own.

Uh, and understanding why there’s an advantage to working with Amazon, having them fulfill your orders and, and working on your behalf to get all of that stuff out for you. But, uh, you know, for me, I’m really looking forward to hearing all that you have to contribute on our conversations, because you’re gonna be, as I talked about, kind of the point guy on much of the dialog that we have with our guests on this, uh, program.

And I’m looking at the guest that we have here on the sheet in front of me, I can’t talk about those individuals right now, but the people that you are bringing on, these are folks with tremendous skin in the game who have helped, uh, thousands and thousands of people across the country with their own Amazon businesses. And, you know, there is absolutely no substitute for experience and so when ever you have the opportunity to learn from someone who is doing it, not just someone who can talk a good game, but they’ve got their own business, they’re actually doing it and they’re putting their own, um, advice to work, because they’re using these techniques. They’ve managed to sharpen their tools over the months and years that they’ve, that they’ve been involved with Amazon.

And there’s no … There’s absolutely, like I said, no substitute for that. And what I’m also kind of hoping too will by the way, I know that many people may have their own specific questions, they may have their own topics and subjects of interest, some things that maybe they’ve wondered about or they’ve got some, um, um, maybe some challenges that they’re dealing with, uh, in their own Amazon businesses.

Uh, I would like to think that we could connect with them through our website at, uh, fbamillionaires.com here in the future. Anybody would like to connect with us, it’s very easy. There on the site you just have to go and, uh, we’ve got a number of ways that you can get in touch with us. Let us know what you’re thinking about. Let us know what your challenges are, your questions. We’ll do our level best to answer those questions, whether it means by, uh, exploring the topic on our program, on a future edition of our show, or getting a guest to talk to, uh, to us about it, or maybe even just simply having a, a real quick Q and A segment on a future program, where Will and I can answer those questions for you. Probably be Will, because again, (laughs), I’m the rookie-



… and I understand, I understand that I’m not necessarily qualified to speak on certain things, but Will, I, I would really like to, to make sure that, uh, the audience knows that they can contribute to this program with their comments, their questions, their challenges, the types of things they would like to know, so we can address those comments, questions, concerns and challenges with their business.

Definitely. And Jeff you’re gonna be a, a million dollar seller in, in, in months. Hands down, Jeff. It’s gonna happen.


I hope so, man.

Get ready brother.

There is a steak dinner for you and your wife and that little one there at home, however she likes her, uh, her steak.




And we’ll figure out some way to do that. May have to meet in between, um, (laughs), but, but, but we’re gonna find some way to get that done and we want everybody to be able to earn a great living selling on Amazon. So many people, uh, like I said, listening to this program, we hope are listening to this show and will be listening to the show, are folks who’ve already made it. And, and if we can do nothing more than bring some light into people’s day and, uh, if we can just make ’em smile or we can make ’em realize that there are other people like them who may be facing the same kind of situations. Maybe it’s a slow growth or maybe for whatever reason, sales are down or, um, it could be any number of things that we could shed a, a little bit of light and bring some light into their day and hopefully inspire them just a little bit.

Definitely, um, the, that’s what it’s all about, um, look, uh, life is tough. We all have issues, um, we all have to face them and personally, it’s as far as I’m concerned, we all have to kill it. (laughs)


So that’s what we’re gonna do.

And you’re gonna, you’re gonna hear us.

Not with, with me around you’re gonna kill it. (laughs)

We’re gonna hear you … You’re gonna, you’re gonna be saying that all the time, I have a feeling. Well, I think both of us are gonna be, are gonna be saying that often during the course of our program and because after all, to face it, uh, selling on Amazon, it’s all about the Benjamins really. When you get right down to it, because that’s what’s gonna bring us our freedom, the opportunity to have more choices, the opportunity to have the lifestyle that we want to have and where so many people are living it right now, it’s gonna be great to, uh, help others live that same kind of lifestyle. To have that freedom, maybe even leave the job that they’re doing now and be able to kind of call their own shots in life.


And even if you are a million dollar seller or a 10 million dollar seller, it’s not too late to make it 30 million.

Yeah. That’s right.



Yeah. Why stop at where you’re at. But think of also to other ways that you can use that money to improve someone else’s life, maybe the, the life of someone that you don’t know. It could be another family member, it could be an organization in town that is, uh, sadly lacking the funds in order to move forward so that they can help hundreds of thousands of people. Um, and, and I think all of us, if given the opportunity would like to be able to make the world a better place.


That’s right Jeff. It’s all, it’s, it’s the circle of life. Uh, we, we receive and we give. Um, (laughs), you know, um, at one point I know some time ago, um, I had a job and this was years ago, and, uh, a gentleman gave me a tip of $20 and I, I said, “No, you know. No, no. I, I, I can’t accept that.” And he looked at me and said, you know, ” Son, don’t disrespect me.” He looked at me in my eye and said, “Don’t disrespect him.” A, And that really, it, it touched me. And it, it, that, tha- uh, at that point in my life it helped me realize that it’s all about the circulation-

Mm-hmm (affirmative).

… of money. You know? People give and we give. You know? It, it … People give, we give, we receive and it circles around and, and that’s how we all grow. Um, you know, we may say something that, that helps you 6x, 8x, 10x your business, right? And you’re able to help someone else.


Maybe help them 20x their business. And, and, and that’s what life is about. It’s about giving and receiving. And we can’t be stingy with that, so that’s a great point Jeff.

Will, I know real quick here, before we run out. There’s some interesting statistics that you found, that, uh, I thought would be interesting to present to our audience today, as we get ready to close out this first edition of our program.

Definitely. Hey Jeff, this was a, a survey by Feedvisor and, and it was very interesting because although I know a lot of things about Amazon, some of these statistics I did not know. And so guys, tell me this, what is the biggest region that holds Amazon sellers? Jeff, would you happen to know that?

Well, I’m gonna guess, only because you know, we happen to be in the most popular state. California’s about 35, 38 million people. I’m gonna say it’s California.

You’re absolutely right. It’s 18% people in California, with second is Florida at 8%.



New York at 6%, Texas at 4% and the rest goes down from there. So, there’s a lot of new Amazon sellers coming in the market. I wonder how many, what’s the percentage of these guys that’s actually entering? I’ll tell you that Jeff, it’s 29%. 84% of Amazon sellers have one through five employees, 46% of Amazon sellers have a primary sales channel of Amazon, which is 80 through 100% of the time only Amazon. Only Amazon, so, uh, uh, you know, every … A lot of people want to move on, you know, you got, you got Walmart.com, uh, Newegg, you got Etsy, you got Ebay.

Um, most of the time 60, actually 65% of the sellers sell on Ebay, which is very interesting. Between that 80 to 100% of the people that, um, focus on Amazon, but that 80% that extra 20%, those people are actually going toward the Ebay way. So, it’s very interesting to see Ebay. I know I usually use Ebay to liquidate. (laughs)


Whenever I wanna take, uh, products to the junk yard.


I go ahead and, and flip that switch and get those bad boys sold. Uh, so yeah, um, as far as, uh, channels that Amazon sellers would like to get into for 2017, uh, Walmart and our own website, which I know, you know, with your own website you can keep a lot of those margins. So, that’s something that, um, that we all love, but Amazon, you know, when they’re, when they’re passing you those thousands and, uh, (laughs) every two weeks-


… it’s, it’s hard to kind of move on to, to other pastures. (laughs)

Boy, it, it, it … That’s … You’re absolutely right, but we’ve heard, you know, uh, time and time again that you know, if you have multiple channels for, uh, selling, um, often times that’s looked on more favorable by the wholesalers out there and the people who you would like to do business with.

Often times I think that in some cases, in some cases there may be kind of this concern about, uh, uh, over saturation of, uh, products on Amazon and some people see that as being, uh, uh, injurious, I guess you might say. Not good for their, their products or their company’s reputation to be sold so heavily on Amazon and so in some cases they might want to, uh, uh, uh, you know, uh, sell to somebody who has their own Shopify account on Shopify, or like you talked about Etsy. Or maybe you’ve got your own website, it’s kind of a standalone, uh, situation.


But you’re bringing up a very, very good point and you know, who can forget, uh, we’ve, we’ve heard a little bit in recent, uh, uh, history, the last year or two about jet.com, is been, uh, something that Walmart has taken on as a brand new, uh, sales property online. Jet.com is soon to, uh, uh, I guess make some changes and Walmart is looking to make that a more prominent platform as well. So, we’ll have to wait and see what happens and I hope Will, I’m not talking out of school there, I hope that you’ve heard the same things that I have, but a, a, at any rate the, the whole online, the e-commerce environment, the atmosphere, everything is, is starting to change and everything is moving because why? Because Amazon is forcing it to move that way.

Definitely. And that’s why we have to move with it. You know, being dynamic and flexible, and always evolving, um, is what we sh- we need to focus on in this business. It’s when we stay static and we’re slow to react or adjust, uh, to this moving giant machine, the machine will run without you. So, (laughs)

Yeah. That’s right.

You know. It-

It will, that’s right.


It’s so important to, to, to adjust to that machine, learn the machine as much as possible so we can be great operators. Um, yeah.


Well just being flexible is key, in other words and, uh, you know, uh, and being able to adapt and you know, there’s so many big companies out there, uh, in the country as we know, that we listen to, you know, each and every year it sounds like another company is having an issue filing for bankruptcy because they can’t move with the customers. They can’t, uh, they can’t adapt to what it is that their customers want or to what the other, uh, the competition is doing in the marketplace. So, we have to be able to do that as sellers.

Of course Amazon is leasing the way now, but you know, it can’t rest on its laurels, it’s going to have to move and evolve with what the marketplace is doing with companies like Walmart.com. They’re making inroads and then of course we talked about Jet and Etsy has always been in there, in the conversation and so that there are a lot of opportunities out there, but the, it really does seem like, uh, for now and, and for the foreseeable future, obviously, uh, the opportunities with Amazon are, uh, second to none.

And that’s why we’re here, that’s why we’re doing this show and Will, I’ve had a really great time on this first edition of our program chatting with you about it and the more we talk about it, the more excited that I’m getting. Not just for our, our, our, our first several, uh, shows where we’ve actually got the guests on the program and, and, and talking about the topical content we’re going to feature, but I’m getting excited for me. And I’m getting excited for our listeners who are going to learn a lot from you and a lot, hopefully from our guests on this program, and the conversations that we have.

And I just want to thank you buddy, it’s been a lot of fun.

It has been fun. Thank you so much Jeff, uh, I look forward to having a long and, uh, prosperous, uh, show with you and let’s get out there and, uh, let’s make some millionaires man.

Yeah. Let’s kill it.

And if you’re a millionaire, we want to make you a billionaire somehow. We’ll make it happen. (laughs)


We’ll, we’ll, we’ll make it happen probably for a cut, but we’ll make it happen. (laughs)



But, but, but no worries. That’s stuff we can flesh out later, but, uh, Will thanks do much man. It’s, it’s good to chat with ya. And that’s gonna put the brakes on this first edition of FBA Millionaires. I hope that you’ve enjoyed it and, uh, you know, if you have any questions or comments for us about anything you heard during our conversation, we’d love to hear from you. So, to connect with us simply visit the official website of the show at fbamillionaires.com and you can contact us right there through the site. Connect with us via social media. We make it pretty easy for you, just kind of take a, a look at that site and, you know, you’ll be glad you did and we’ll be glad that you stopped by. So, again, thanks so much for clicking in. Until next time, my name is Jeff Allen. That man over there is-




And we’re gonna look forward to seeing you next time. And everybody, let’s remember, it’s all about the Benjamins and let’s kill it.


Let’s kill it guys. Let’s do it.




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